Most of my struggle of faith came when I moved. Making new friends was difficult, keeping in contact with old friends was difficult, and finding a new church family was difficult. I was no longer surrounded by people who loved God. However, God uses everything and anything to glorify Him, and my case was no exception. Through my struggle, I would not change a thing. These past two years have been the hardest I've gone through and yet they are (in my opinion), the strongest part of my testimony. I have never witnessed God work so strongly. To be able to look back to a moment of confusion and be able to see what God was trying to teach you, is one of the greatest feelings on earth.
Through another long story, even though I have been a Christian for 8 years, I have never been baptised. Actually, that is not true... I was baptised as a baby. But what most people don't understand, is that Believer's baptism is "identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ" and "a public testimony o f our faith in the Lord Jesus" and finally, it is a commandment of Jesus: "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. 19Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" Matthew 28:18-19. So on July 7, 2013, in a Nova Scotian lake, I will finally be baptised.
Here's a picture of my good friend Deb getting baptised in 2010
So even though time has passed, it is better late than never, and I am so glad that I was able to come back to the church that I came to faith in, and that people here invest in me and my faith. Here, my faith is nourished, and in reference to my last couple of posts, my tank is being filled here, maybe for preparation for my move back to Toronto, where is can be drained through learning and life experiences, and then another way to fill it back up can be found. I have hope and confidence in my heavenly Father, wherever he guides me.
God bless you Kayley, and you in turn bless others in your walk.